Medical school certainly doesn't prepare a student for any one specialty. Of course it can't. But, surgeons may start residency having only held retractors for 10-hour long surgeries. Family physician residents may not have done simple office procedures. Emergency med residents may never have placed defibrillator pads on a live patient.
In Pathology, most of my fellow residents and I feel particularly unprepared to begin residency in this specialty. Yes, we get histology and some basic pathology during the first and second years of medical school. Perhaps we saw an autopsy or two. But we certainly didn't learn how to formulate a report for cases that we now see. Or do an autopsy mostly by ourselves and know how to pay particular attention to certain areas of the body in order to pick up key findings. For example, there are special, non-routine ways to check for pneumothorax or air embolism, if those are suspected as a cause of death. If not suspected clinically it may not be tested for and thus, not uncovered.
For Surgery, Family Practice, Internal are expected to be a somewhat-functioning resident as you step into the physician shoes on day 1. Hence all the training in learning to interview patients, write History and Physicals, check and interpret lab test results, and present cases to fellow colleagues on rounds or over the phone.
As for us, the Pathology, Radiology, Radiation Oncology residents out there, we generally found our field of choice by doing a rotation during medical school in our respective fields. But these were usually "litmus test" rotations so that we assured ourselves of choosing something in which we have genuine interest so we can happily practice for the rest of our career. Maybe we pick up a few useful skills, but nothing on the order of super-practical.
I am not bitter about the lack of preparation for Pathology. However, I think important improvements could be made in the way basic pathophysiology can be taught and integrated with clinical learning. One solution is the clinicopathological case (CPC) based conferences. They are of particular interest and relevance, I believe. They are the same format as those published weekly by the New England Journal of Medicine. Our teaching institution has similar conferences, but just once per month. At the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire, there were weekly CPC conferences (M&M conferences). I love these types of presentations - integrations of research, pathology, clinical cases, and quality improvement. My vote: more, please!
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